Sunday, May 10, 2009


The next five years will witness the following, says Gaurang G. Vaishnav if the same regime of UPA is re-elected under the leadership of Sonia Maino (Gandhi?)

Infiltration Of Terrorists From The Porous Borders Of Gujarat, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh

Welcome To Talibans Through “Soft On Terrorism” Policy

Application of Sharia Law in pockets of Bharat

Many Repeats Of Terrorist Attacks On Mumbai





Clemency To Afzal Guru And Torture To Sadhvi Pragyna

Increased Class Conflicts

Appeasement Of Minorities

Accelerated Conversion Of Hindus

Insult Of Hindus And Hindu Ethos

Boost to State Aided Evangelization

Protection To Dons Of The Underworld

Be Prepared To Be Called Hindus Terrorists

Killings of Many Swamiji’s like Laxmananda in Orissa

Same Corruption and Casteism Of 50 Years Of Misrule

First Claim On Resources By Muslims
(Heard Directly From the “strong” Prime Minister)

Quota In Government Services And Education For The Minorities

through setups like Sachar Committee

Replacement of map of Bharat with a Christian Cross on legal tenders
(like it was done recently with Rs. 10 coin)

Deletion of Sataymev Jayate from Government documents and web sites
(of course, it is true so far as Congress party and its cohorts are concerned!)

Replacement of all Hindu Icons with Christian and Islamic Icons
(like replacement of Saraswatiji with Crescent and Cross in NCERT Text books)

More Funds in Swiss Banks
Dynastic Rule in a Democracy!

Congress's affidavit in Supreme Court Questioned Shree Ram's existence, therefore,
More Affidavits stating Shree Krishna is a Myth, 
Guru Govind Singh was a rapist
Aurangzeb was a Benevolent King
(this is what is taught in NCERT books)

and if all goes well, mother of all the affidavits can come: 
Hindus Have No Right to Exist in Bharat

This is reproduced here to put on records the warning being issued by Hindutva forces to the masses. After results, the making of new government will not be that easy for any group or alliance. These points will be handy for an assessment of the future government as well as of those who float these wild ideas.
What do you think?
The money amassed by the corrupt politician should be collected from the people who elected him! - Arya Chanakya
Malaya Tridev

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Scoring Against Paganism: Untangling the Manderweb Krishen Kak

Five weeks after the burning of the Sabarmati Express coaches on 28 February 2002, senior IAS officer Harsh Mander resigned from service, claiming heartbreak over the subsequent riots. Mander, then on deputation with a foreign NGO, ActionAid, was promptly embedded in the organisation, and recruited into the sickening international campaign against Gujarat and India, cashing in on his so-called moral stature.

Krishen Kak, retd. IAS, took a dim view of Mander's actions and made a lengthy exposé of the man, which became a chapter in "NGOs Activists and Foreign Funds: Anti-Nation Industry," which he jointly edited with Radha Rajan. Now, with the Special Investigating Team reporting to the Supreme Court that the most sensational Gujarat riot cases were simply cooked up by the anti-Hindu brigade, Krishen Kak's prescience is amply vindicated.

Here is given the last concluding point of that  chapter in detail.

12] The hijacking of hamara Hindustan

A tree will not flourish unless it is firmly rooted in fertile soil.

There can be no paganism without a land in which pagan culture and polity can freely flourish.

There can be no Hindus without a Hindustan.

The paganism that extended from Gandhara across Kashmir and Tibet right upto the East Asian coast, and down through Sri Lanka and Myanmar, has steadily shrunk till, in 1947, it lost major chunks in the subcontinent itself. Post-1947, under the Nehruvian secularism and democracy of which the Manderweb is part and that it propagates, we pagans have been eliminated from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir, and much of the northeast. We are seeing our elimination in Assam, Kerala, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar under a ‘secular’ and ‘democratic’ dispensation that is quite openly anti-pagan, that extends to ravening world-conquering religions in India advantages over the Hindu majority that neither Christians nor Muslims in the democracies where they are a majority, or where they rule (as in the Vatican State, or in any of the Islamic States), extend to Hindus within their domains.

Why do we accept this double standard?

Nehruvian secularists preach 'compassion, understanding and tolerance' to Hindus. But they dare not preach to Christian missionaries and Muslim mullahs a compassion, understanding and tolerance for the pagans. That would be to negate the very essence and history of these rapacious religious imperialisms.

Hindustan is the last major bastion of paganism. In their 2000 years, everywhere that the rapacious Abrahamic monotheisms have conquered, they have erased pre-existing faiths.

Nowhere, but nowhere, in the world where the exclusivisms have conquered have they allowed significant pagan populations to survive. Nowhere in the territories of these monotheisms is there a meaningful survival of any pre-monotheism, any paganism. There is not one significant exception to this worldwide historical fact.

We Hindus are the world's last pagans and our time has come now, as missionaries and mullahs daily remind us.

Nehruvian secularists forget a fundamental principle of human conduct called the golden rule of reciprocity. This rule goes back at least 5,000 years to our Mahabharat, it goes back to Confucianism, and it is divinely sanctioned for Judaism, Christianity and Islam, all of which acknowledge the Old Testament. Four times does the Old Testament sanctify as the lex talionis an application of this principle: Exodus 21.23-25; Leviticus 24.17-21; Deuteronomy 19.19; indeed, practised by their god himself - Judges 1.7, and by his followers in, for example, the Koranic kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Most Manderians are educated in elite English-medium institutions. They read Shakespeare. They should remember Shylock's speech in The Merchant of Venice, III.1.

If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge? The villainy you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

For 1,000 or so years in our land our paganism has been at the receiving end of preying monotheisms. What have they taught us pagans except their villainy? And, after Independence, even with us pagans a numerical majority, Nehruvian secularism twists us under minorityism, our democracy being used as an instrument to appease these monotheisms, the numerical pagan majority being held hostage to a numerical minority.

B.R. Ambedkar himself 'did not believe our Constitution was secular because it allowed different treatment to various communities and the legislatures could frame separate laws for different communities.' A half-century later we see the result: a growing class of 'minority' super citizens, and one of them a super prime minister. What are these monotheisms still teaching us if not their villainy? They have taken every advantage of the pagan 'compassion, understanding and tolerance' to undermine it. They are as Duryodhana to the Pandavas - not as much land as will cover the tip of a needle do they want to leave us.

So why should we not better their instruction? Remember that the Pandavas regained their kingdom, their homeland, their honour, only after they remembered the golden rule of reciprocity.
When these monotheisms, our so-called 'minorities', identify themselves as part of world-dominating movements, prevalent and spreading in lands across the globe, then it is the paganism in India that needs to be protected as a 'minority', because now paganism survives nowhere else in the world, being destroyed everywhere else by our so-called 'minority' religions. When eradicated from India, where will we pagans find a homeland? It is the paganism that is the real 'religious' minority in India.

Why have we pagans forgotten the lesson Krishna taught our ancestors?

It is clear that shrewd anti-Hindu foreign sponsors recognize in Mander a heartless and highly-skilled manipulator ready to use a web of contacts for his own self-promotion and monetary gain. He is their willing stooge to deny the numerical majority our pagan rights in India, to dismember our pagan polity, and to enable our conquest - and consequent extinction - by the aggrandising Abrahamic monotheisms. Manderians are Judases. For today's equivalent of 30 pieces of silver, they sell us to those whose avowed aim is to destroy us.
'I am the LORD thy God .Thou shalt have no other gods before me.for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God..' (Exodus 20.2,3,5)

'La ilaha il Allah, Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Allah' ('None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah'-Al-Shahada)

These beliefs are the very foundations of their respective faiths. They are commandments. True believers must subscribe, are required to accept the one that is the very basis of their religion. There can be no compromise, and historically the religion ultimately has shown none.

Three quotations are relevant to the exclusivisms. Marx had said, 'We are ruthless and ask for no quarter from you. When our turn comes, we shall not disguise our terrorism'. Churchill said, 'An appeaser is one who keeps feeding a crocodile in the hope it will eat him last'. And George Santayana said, 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it'.

Nehruvian secularists are appeasers. The exclusivisms are terrorists, are crocodiles. They practise neither compassion for nor understanding nor tolerance of pagans. They have never done so. They terrorize, they gobble up pagans. This is the lesson of the past.

The homeland of my progenitors has already been cannibalised by Islam.

The homeland of my dharma is under terror from a missionary-mullah-marxist nexus.

'Hindustan hamara,' claims the anti-pagan Harsh Mander for these his webmasters.

Let those, like Mander, who are ashamed of being Hindustani, emigrate to the lands of the monotheisms. To those lands of 'compassion, understanding and tolerance' let them freely go. Like Pakistan. Bangladesh. Or even America.
Hindustan hamara hai.

We pagans want our homeland back.
